
Move Condor Master to a new node / IP address

  1. Update CNAME record for condor-cm.galaxyproject.eu so it points to your new Central Manager
  2. Stop and disable condor.service on the old Central Manager host
  3. Change lines in /etc/condor/condor_config.local on the new Central Manager like in https://github.com/usegalaxy-eu/infrastructure-playbook/pull/783/files
  4. Check if new DNS record is returned on all workers with pssh -h /your/IPlist -l centos -i 'nslookup condor-cm.galaxyproject.eu'
  5. If not, temporarily replace the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf on all nodes to e.g.
  6. Restart condor.service on the new Central Manager
  7. Update the Manager IP address on all workers with pssh -h /tmp/condor-nodes -l centos -i 'condor_reconfig'

Galaxy Job handling

Reassign jobs from handler 11 to handler 3 with gxadmin:

gxadmin tsvquery queue-detail-by-handler handler_main_11  | cut -f1 | xargs -I{} -n1 gxadmin mutate reassign-job-to-handler {} handler_main_3 --commit

Change job properties on the fly

condor_edit is your friend and the htcondor classads. Most commonly used ones are RequestCpus, RequestMemory (in MiB), RequestGpus, but a full list of all Job ClassAd Attributes can be found in the htcondor docs..

condor_qedit 37110378 RequestMemory=50000

Change htcondor labels on-the-fly:

sed -i 's/"compute"/"dockerhack"/g' /etc/condor/condor_config.local; systemctl reload condor

Test with:

condor_status -autoformat Machine GalaxyGroup GalaxyDockerHack | grep hack | sort -u

fail all jobs of a particular user using gxadmin

The following command is failing all jobs of the service-account user.

gxadmin tsvquery jobs --user=service-account --nonterminal | awk '{print $1}' |  xargs -I {} -n 1 gxadmin mutate fail-job {} --commit

fail all jobs on the nodes, in cases when condor_rm does not do the job

This cmd will find all jobs matching a string (here “obabel”), returns the group-pid and kills those group process. This seems to be the only way to remove jobs from the condor nodes when condor_rm was not able to kill the jobs.

pdsh -g cloud 'ps xao pgid,cmd | grep "[o]babel" | awk "{ print \$1 }" | xargs -I {} sudo kill -9 {}'

Jobs/tools running into a specific host/flavour

condor_q -autoformat ClusterID JobDescription RemoteHost | grep cn032

condor_q is very powerful

condor_q  -constraint 'JobDescription == "spades"' -af ClusterID JobDescription RemoteHost RequestMemory MemoryUsage HoldReason

List tools and requirements for idle jobs

condor_q -autoformat:t ClusterId JobDescription RequestMemory RequestCpus JobStatus | grep -P "\t1$"

Number of cores available

condor_status -autoformat Name Cpus | cut -f2 -d' ' | paste -s -d'+' | bc

Debugging of a Condor job that was giving back an empty file as result

As input we had a galaxy job id 11ac61790d0cc33b8086442012d093zu (11384941) and a note of an empty file as result. The job was a step of a big collection where the other steps were successful.

To understand the reason for the problem, I proceeded as follows:

condor_history | grep 11384941

to retrieve the condor id

condor_history -l 6545461

to retrieve all the job detail, and here, I found this error message: "Error from slot1_1@cn030.bi.uni-freiburg.de: Failed to open '/data/dnb03/galaxy_db/job_working_directory/011/384/11384941/galaxy_11384941.o' as standard output: No such file or directory (errno 2)"

A quick check into the compute node ```[root@cn030 ~]# cd /data/dnb03 -bash: cd: /data/dnb03: No such file or directory

showed it was not mounting properly the NFS export.

### Reserve an handler for a tool and move all running jobs to it

Add a new handler to the `job_conf.xml`

	<handlers assign_with="db-skip-locked" max_grab="8">
		<handler id="handler_key_0"/>
		<handler id="handler_key_1"/>
		<handler id="handler_key_2"/>
		<handler id="handler_key_3"/>
		<handler id="handler_key_4"/>
		<handler id="handler_key_5"/>
		<handler id="handler_key_6" tags="special_handlers"/>

associate the tool to that handler

		<tool id="upload1" destination="gateway_singlerun" />
		<tool id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/chemteam/gmx_sim/gmx_sim/2020.4+galaxy0" destination="gateway_singlerun" resources="usegpu" />
		<tool id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/chemteam/gmx_sim/gmx_sim/2019.1.5.1" destination="gateway_singlerun" resources="usegpu" />
		<tool id="gmx_sim" destination="gateway_singlerun" resources="usegpu" />
		<tool id="param_value_from_file" handler="special_handlers" />

restart workflow schedulers and move all running jobs to the new handler

for j in `gxadmin query queue-detail --all| grep param_value_from_file |grep -v handler_key_6 | cut -f2 -d'|' | paste -s -d ' '`; do gxadmin mutate reassign-job-to-handler $j handler_key_6 --commit;done

How to shut down/start up a single execute node without killing jobs

This “peaceful” shutdown of a startd will cause that daemon to wait indefinitely for all existing jobs to exit before shutting down. During this time, no new jobs will start.

condor_off -peaceful -startd vgcnbwc-worker-c125m425-8231.novalocal

To begin running or restarting all daemons (other than condor_master) given in the configuration variable DAEMON_LIST on the host:

condor_on vgcnbwc-worker-c125m425-8231.novalocal

Both commands can be executed from the submitter node.

Condor drain and condor off

Since we do not configure MaxJobRetirementTime in our condor setup, running condor_drain will kill the job immediately as the default value of MaxJobRetirementTime is 0.

Instead of condor_drain, we could use condor_off -peaceful -name <worker node name> and running this command will make the daemons wait for all jobs to finish while ensuring no new jobs are accepted.

Some useful links:

Raise awareness during Global Climate Strikes on Fridays by closing the job queue

Fridays for Future organizes Global Climate Strikes that take place on specific Fridays to raise awareness of the grim consequences of global warming.

Galaxy Europe has participated in such strikes in the past, by closing the job queue so that new jobs will not start until the strike is over. The strike protocol is as follows:

We have written a TPV rule that takes advantage of HTCondor’s job deferral feature to enforce the strike. A copy of the rule is available below.

      - id: climate_strike
        # delay jobs using HTCondor's job deferral feature
        # https://htcondor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/users-manual/time-scheduling-for-job-execution.html
        if: True
        execute: |
          from datetime import datetime

          strike_start = datetime(2023,9,15,7,0)
          strike_end = datetime(2023,9,15,19,0)

          training_roles = (
              [r.name for r in user.all_roles()
               if not r.deleted and r.name in
               ("training-bma231-ht23", "training-msc-tmr-ws23",
              if user is not None else []

          now = datetime.now()
          if strike_start <= now < strike_end and not training_roles:
              entity.params["deferral_time"] = f"{int(strike_end.timestamp())}"
              entity.params["deferral_prep_time"] = "60"
              entity.params["deferral_window"] = "864000"  # 10 days

Before merging the rule to tool_defaults.yml (as a list item under the key tools.default.rules), make sure to:

After merging the rule, all jobs submitted during the strike will remain on “queued” state (gray) until the strike is over. Note that this TPV rule only affects jobs running on HTCondor.

Find jobs known to htcondor that are not known to Galaxy anymore

comm -23 <(condor_q --json | jq '.[]? | .ClusterId' | sort) <(gxadmin query queue-detail | awk '{print $5}' | sort)

Those ID can be piped to condor_rm if needed.

Concurrent Job Count Highscore

gxadmin query queue-detail --all | awk -F\| '{print$5}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -sn

Gives a list of all users that currently have jobs in the queue and how many (new, queued and running), in decending order.

Show the job starting time human readable

condor_q -autoformat ClusterId Cmd JobDescription RemoteHost JobStartDate | awk '{ printf "%s %s %s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $5) }'

Get the jobs that were updated frequently by a handler

Helped to solve