As part of the training program in Work Package 9, CORBEL offers staff visits across research infrastructures. In this frame, EuroBioimaging and ELIXIR members met during three days with the European Galaxy team in Freiburg (Germany) to make image data from the Image Data Resource (IDR) accessible through the Galaxy interface.
With this integration, Galaxy users would be able to access the images stored at the IDR and automatically download them to their Galaxy workspace to run an imaging workflow afterwards.
This integration benefits the life science communities making images easily accessible and reusable for every user. It also tightens the collaboration between EOSC-Life Work Package 1 on FAIR data resources, Work Package 2 on tools collaboratory and the Demonstrator 6 as part of Work Package 3.
The first outcome of this hackathon is a
Galaxy tool for automated retrieval of images from IDR.