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Welcome to NanoGalaxy – a webserver to process, analyse and visualize Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) data and similar long-reads technologies.

  1. Get started
  2. Tools
  3. Tutorials
  4. Workflows

Get started

Are you new to Galaxy, or returning after a long time, and looking for help to get started? Take a guided tour through Galaxy’s user interface.

Check also the standard but customizable workflows available there.


A collection of best practice and popular tools are integrated (and are expanding) in this custom Galaxy instance. The ONT-oriented and -specific subset includes:

Polishing, QC and preprocessing

Porechop, Filtlong, Nanopolish, Poretools, Medaka, MultiQC
NanoGalaxy toolkit

Nanoplot, Bandage
Taxonomy and metagenomics

PlasFlow, Staramr, Kraken2


We are passionate about training. So we are working in close collaboration with the Galaxy Training Network (GTN) to develop training materials of data analyses based on Galaxy (Batut et al., 2017). These materials hosted on the GTN GitHub repository are available online at


To orchestrate tools and help users with their analyses, some best practice workflows are prepared and available for all users. The workflows can be extended using similar and alternative combinations using the Galaxy workflow editor.

The workflows are available in the Shared Workflows View and are labeled with “ONT”.

Nanopolish workflow Ahrens et. al workflow Wick et. al workflow Metagenomics workflow
Basic workflows inspired by the Nanopolish tutorials Genome assembly: Flye-based WF for highly repetitive genomes [Schmid et al. NAR 2018] Genome assembly: Unicycler-based WF for Klebsiella pneumoniae [Wick et al. Microbial genomics 2017] Metagenomics: taxa classification
Galaxy history Galaxy workflow Galaxy history Galaxy workflow Galaxy history Galaxy workflow Galaxy history Galaxy workflow

Our Data Policy

Registered UsersUnregistered UsersFTP DataGDPR Compliance
User data on (i.e. datasets, histories) will be available as long as they are not deleted by the user. Once marked as deleted the datasets will be permanently removed within 14 days. If the user "purges" the dataset in the Galaxy, it will be removed immediately, permanently. An extended quota can be requested for a limited time period in special cases. Processed data will only be accessible during one browser session, using a cookie to identify your data. This cookie is not used for any other purposes (e.g. tracking or analytics). If service is not accessed for 90 days, those datasets will be permanently deleted. Any user data uploaded to our FTP server should be imported into Galaxy as soon as possible. Data left in FTP folders for more than 3 months, will be deleted. The Galaxy service complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can read more about this on our Terms and Conditions.