
Helping at the Software Carpentry workshop @ EMBL Heidelberg and Talk @ de.NBIer


Bérénice was helping Toby Hodges, Malvika Sharan and the other instructors for the Software Carpentry workshop organized at EMBL in Heidelberg.

Training poster @ GCB 2017

This workshop covered several basic concepts and tools for research computing skills:

  • Python: introduction, use of Jupyter notebook, scientific data analyses particularly with Pandas library
  • Unix shell: introduction and usage of cluster resources
  • Git and GitHub
  • Snakemake for pipeline management and Conda

On Thursday evening, Bérénice gave a talk at the de.NBier event about Galaxy (tools, visualization, interactive environment, …) and the Galaxy Training material infrastructure. The slides are available online.


The picture of the Software Carpentry workshop was taken by Hugo Neves

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