
New Paper "The RNA workbench 2.0: next generation RNA data analysis"


A new significant update of our RNA workbench was released! You can access the new tools, workflows, tours and tutorials at http://rna.usegalaxy.eu/. Check out our new paper to get more information.

Thanks to the entire de.NBI-RBC team, Maria Doyle, Tomas Klingstrom and all others that have contributed in the last years.

Huge thanks also to the de.NBI-cloud and the Freiburg compute center for providing compute and storage resources. Thanks to Helena Rasche and Manuel Messner for keeping this server and the infrastructure running.

RNA Workbench 2.0


RNA has become one of the major research topics in molecular biology. As a central player in key processes regulating gene expression, RNA is in the focus of many efforts to decipher the pathways that govern the transition of genetic information to a fully functional cell. As more and more researchers join this endeavour, there is a rapidly growing demand for comprehensive collections of tools that cover the diverse layers of RNA-related research. However, increasing amounts of data, from diverse types of experiments, addressing different aspects of biological questions need to be consolidated and integrated into a single framework. Only then is it possible to connect findings from e.g. RNA-Seq experiments and methods for e.g. target predictions. To address these needs, we present the RNA Workbench 2.0 , an updated online resource for RNA related analysis. With the RNA Workbench we created a comprehensive set of analysis tools and workflows that enables researchers to analyze their data without the need for sophisticated command-line skills. This update takes the established framework to the next level, providing not only a containerized infrastructure for analysis, but also a ready-to-use platform for hands-on training, analysis, data exploration, and visualization. The new framework is available at https://rna.usegalaxy.eu , and login is free and open to all users. The containerized version can be found at https://github.com/bgruening/galaxy-rna-workbench.

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