On 2019-08-03, the tools on UseGalaxy.eu were updated by our automated tool update and installation process in Jenkins Build #128
RNA Analysis
- cummerbund was updated to f3012521ea79
- deseq2 was updated to d983d19fbbab
Quality Control
- fastq_to_fasta was updated to 186b8d913e6c
- permutate_axis was updated to 0bbe34198e24
- bwameth was updated to f7094efef903
SAM Tools
- samtool_filter2 was updated to a7add3e93cc5
- samtools_bedcov was updated to 9149ad20699a
- samtools_idxstats was updated to 811fc2d75ad4
- samtools_split was updated to 135c85f4cfaf