On 2019-08-18, the tools on UseGalaxy.eu were updated by our automated tool update and installation process in Jenkins Build #133
- abricate was updated to 862f5a86854d
- goseq was updated to 67c29afac85f
- transtermhp was updated to 1d8ad7599f02
- proteomics_moff was updated to 226287d75d96
- Maxquant was updated to 175e062b6a17
Variant Calling
- varscan_mpileup was updated to e3f170cc4f95
- varscan_copynumber was updated to 0bc56f894766
- varscan_copynumber was updated to 4e97191a1ff7
- hmmer3 was updated to 54b6b4d0613a
- crispr_studio was updated to 7346619ad005
- tbprofiler was updated to 19793eecc9f0
- fpocket was updated to 2063e965531c
- RNA Star was updated to 41929aa1e7f3
Single Cell
- RaceID clustering was updated to ee0bbc160cb1
- RaceID filtnormconf was updated to 5d5b14dbd092
- RaceID inspectclusters clustering was updated to 20f522154663
- RaceID inspecttrajectory was updated to 86e2358cf273
- RaceID trajectory was updated to 3e5bb16abb55
- RNA StarSolo was updated to e613048778d9