On 2019-09-07, the tools on UseGalaxy.eu were updated by our automated tool update and installation process in Jenkins Build #136
- moabs was updated to 26d7ec4af119
Operate on Genomic Intervals
- bedtools was updated to b28e0cfa7ba1
- cardinal_quality_report was updated to f0d1f3e97303
FASTA/FASTQ manipulation
- seqtk was updated to 288f7f69fe25
- sickle was updated to 6756c87dc2d4
SAM Tools
- samtools_flagstat was updated to 22970df7a40e
- samtools_idxstats was updated to 7a6034296ae9
- samtools_stats was updated to 47035d167365
- batchcorrection was updated to 73892ef177e3
RNA Analysis
- featurecounts was updated to a37612abf7f9
- trinity_run_de_analysis was updated to 1563554bb3f0
- goseq was updated to 8b3e3657034e
- dropletutils was updated to a8aa294401be
- scater_create_qcmetric_ready_sce was updated to fd808de478b1
- scater_filter was updated to b7ea9f09c02f
- scater_normalize was updated to 946179ef029c
- scater_plot_dist_scatter was updated to 2e41b35b5bdd
- scater_plot_exprs_freq was updated to 058b40656107
- scater_plot_pca was updated to 46fc6751d746