On 2021-06-21, the tools on UseGalaxy.eu were updated by our automated tool update and installation process in Jenkins Build #279
- hifiasm was updated to f3c89da3af16
Variant Calling
- bcftools_annotate was updated to 403553ae19f6
- bcftools_convert_from_vcf was updated to b8e9da766b0f
- bcftools_convert_to_vcf was updated to fec517907949
- bcftools_filter was updated to 6ca7c55a27e8
- bcftools_gtcheck was updated to 672b6c02fbc7
- bcftools_isec was updated to 02f349bdbf96
- bcftools_query was updated to c9c5718edc19
- bcftools_reheader was updated to 9ef52d95114b
- bcftools_roh was updated to b76adb2f1c51
- bcftools_stats was updated to b17394940c7a
- bcftools_view was updated to 98d5499ead46
- cardinal_classification was updated to f28ad96b76dc
- cardinal_combine was updated to 5f066029763e
- cardinal_combine was updated to e988563cc6e5
- maxquant was updated to d72c96ad9a16
- openms_openpepxl was updated to a2a842b00f9c
- openms_percolatoradapter was updated to 0fc9ae55bcfc
- openms_percolatoradapter was updated to e7881a82b56d
- openms_xfdr was updated to 81402a5e4173
- openms_xfdr was updated to 9a6e3bb0f358