On 2025-03-02, the tools on UseGalaxy.eu were updated by our automated tool update and installation process in Jenkins Build #503
- autobigs was updated to 727e524cda34
- multigsea was updated to e08383c04167
- staramr was updated to d0a2e0a9c853
- mob_suite was updated to 179497074102
- qiime2__deblur__denoise_16S was updated to 2572fc0f88f2
- qiime2__deblur__denoise_16S was updated to b883cbea5623
- apoc was updated to da07fb6a7c62
- smina was updated to 3c170cc50eeb
- bioimage_inference was updated to 000f171afabb
- cp_identify_primary_objects was updated to 52c01fb29b2a
- data_manager_build_staramr was updated to 0b367fda55da
- data_manager_diamond_database_builder was updated to 4a08b7b76b78
- umi_tools_count was updated to 43bcc103b1e9
- umi_tools_dedup was updated to 6ec3233f30a6
- umi_tools_extract was updated to 158e9e91b9fc
- umi_tools_group was updated to a827e3a209fa
- umi_tools_whitelist was updated to f19dee633d4a
Get Data
- ncbi_datasets was updated to d951c5b0edd1
- mothur_cluster_classic was updated to 6ba59950d95c
- clair3 was updated to c9218b9dc7f0
Variant Calling
- artic_minion was updated to 02ea80c89fd1
- artic_minion was updated to 93cfe7df7f8a
- cnv_vcf2json was updated to 2691b8c12947
- cnvkit_access was updated to ee93e2047dc1
- cnvkit_antitarget was updated to f1b016247826
- cnvkit_autobin was updated to 33ceac9ae827
- cnvkit_batch was updated to 80dc747a394d
- cnvkit_breaks was updated to d889cf77ec0d
- cnvkit_call was updated to 79b2add55e02
- cnvkit_coverage was updated to 9410f163f2e7
- cnvkit_diagram was updated to 8f642a41cd94
- cnvkit_export_bed was updated to 944f92089b9a
- cnvkit_export_cdt was updated to 21a1d65e26ba
- cnvkit_export_jtv was updated to 6617cb1fcbcc
- cnvkit_export_nexus_basic was updated to b1e27c68c067
- cnvkit_export_nexus_ogt was updated to 5b8288d21d5e
- cnvkit_export_seg was updated to 40918fee953b
- cnvkit_export_vcf was updated to d50130b48076
- cnvkit_fix was updated to aa3fa1c29ccf
- cnvkit_genemetrics was updated to aafd56f1b0f7
- cnvkit_heatmap was updated to 41a25bd96ec6
- cnvkit_reference was updated to 403825b9349a
- cnvkit_scatter was updated to 64960243c9e1
- cnvkit_segment was updated to bdd0e8e05933
- cnvkit_segmetrics was updated to 046b04fc7284
- cnvkit_sex was updated to 9f300faccb88
- cnvkit_target was updated to 8e75b2d61784
- cnvkit_theta was updated to b9688f52a18f
- blast_parser was updated to e14f71c3a70e
- ete was updated to 1e85af7a29c4
- gafa was updated to a6c4483a02be
- gstf_preparation was updated to 4340eef6ec1b
- hcluster_sg was updated to 9b7694333ba8
- hcluster_sg_parser was updated to 02d73e6ca869
- hcluster_sg_parser was updated to 451d2588e14e
- t_coffee was updated to e3507be607eb
- treebest_best was updated to b78b529f66db
- treebest_best was updated to d5105943417d