UseGalaxy.eu Tool Updates for 2025-03-17
On 2025-03-17, the tools on UseGalaxy.eu were updated by our automated tool update and installation process in Jenkins Build #505
- apoc was updated to 451f90534945
- apoc was updated to f7eb699686eb
- smina was updated to 3c170cc50eeb
- smina was updated to cf657dae1dca
- qcxms_production_run was updated to e97bfe7ac906
- qiime2__deblur__denoise_16S was updated to 2572fc0f88f2
- qiime2__deblur__denoise_16S was updated to b883cbea5623
- hifiasm was updated to 170061c052ad
- pairtools_dedup was updated to c162f3c43442
- pairtools_parse was updated to 963d674e438d
- pairtools_sort was updated to 5fd78abb0d81
- pairtools_split was updated to a7035be049e4
- pairtools_stats was updated to ade829d2ae3a
- rnaspades was updated to 001aa495b39a
- spades_biosyntheticspades was updated to 60b8f1668552
- spades_coronaspades was updated to 152ff7d1817a
- spades_metaplasmidspades was updated to c5c4fa59be65
- spades_metaviralspades was updated to 6766a94ef559
- spades_plasmidspades was updated to b40b77418372
- spades_rnaviralspades was updated to a9aa4115cb68
- metaspades was updated to 697c9156dafe
- spades was updated to b512435320e3
Convert Formats
- msconvert was updated to 331a50e8fd2f
- bam2fastx was updated to 43fd2ba63c16
- ucsc_chainantirepeat was updated to 91674d4623a8
- gfastats was updated to 50b6ec4074f4
- cellpose was updated to 5251ce4c4a11
- data_manager_deeparg was updated to 50f4ff01d845
- data_manager_diamond_database_builder was updated to 4a08b7b76b78
- data_manager_funannotate_options was updated to e22da646fed7
- funannotate_compare was updated to 7f8f38e27dee
- funannotate_predict was updated to 3cc3ef448854
- omark was updated to ceb52582a5b1
- revoluzer_crex was updated to 43af02990a47
- revoluzer_distmat was updated to 68a8e02e23bb
Get Data
- ensembl_get_genetree was updated to 667fd2d7a350
- ncbi_datasets was updated to 40a5d68e929a
- pbmm2 was updated to bf5e9702061a
Metagenomic Analysis
- metawrapmg_binning was updated to 6f7211f93b06
- bracken was updated to 4d350ac5148e
- decontam was updated to 4a72acf1cd75
- gtdbtk_classify_wf was updated to c30adf839acd
- phyloseq_add_rank_names was updated to 61af11a54bc8
- phyloseq_from_biom was updated to 04ba1fa0fe57
- phyloseq_from_dada2 was updated to 6000b8a8dd9d
- phyloseq_plot_bar was updated to 8a9c340debc8
- phyloseq_plot_ordination was updated to 32f892954ef6
- phyloseq_plot_richness was updated to 10a7732528b2
- recentrifuge was updated to 612df2a5054f
- mothur_venn was updated to 139bdc1c3b48
- ete was updated to e4d5d9a69c9d
- gafa was updated to c22276db4025
- hcluster_sg was updated to 1d2de27d7a9c
- hcluster_sg was updated to 4d60b0cd146c
- t_coffee was updated to ae69d14b6fbf
- t_coffee was updated to ce83c3f83561
- treebest_best was updated to b78b529f66db
- treebest_best was updated to d0569a198359
- squirrel_phylo was updated to f793ae405fd1
- squirrel_qc was updated to e4f6590015d4
Variant Calling
- freebayes was updated to 1e1291983bc7
- ivar_consensus was updated to 253935875d96
- ivar_filtervariants was updated to 0d2639b4f40a
- ivar_removereads was updated to 55a7867809f4
- ivar_trim was updated to 7bd020da0ce5
- ivar_variants was updated to 1ef68546d37f