On 2023-11-14, the tools on UseGalaxy.eu were updated by our automated tool update and installation process in Jenkins Build #417
- qiime2__deblur__denoise_16S was updated to 2572fc0f88f2
- openms_openpepxl was updated to a2a842b00f9c
- openms_percolatoradapter was updated to 0fc9ae55bcfc
- openms_percolatoradapter was updated to e7881a82b56d
- openms_xfdr was updated to 81402a5e4173
- openms_xfdr was updated to 9a6e3bb0f358
- rfove was updated to ddff439fac16
- spyboat was updated to 4c51f0bac726
Machine Learning
- mcl was updated to e092787c0a29
Metagenomic Analysis
- concoct was updated to eae7ee167917
- concoct_coverage_table was updated to fd31cd168efc
- concoct_cut_up_fasta was updated to 4d8bc5dd9e95
- concoct_extract_fasta_bins was updated to 8b1b09fcd8b7
- concoct_merge_cut_up_clustering was updated to 20ccec4a2c38
- coverm_contig was updated to b9c38856e540
- coverm_genome was updated to 847f274a60da
- anndata_export was updated to e1c3c2f2a834
- anndata_import was updated to 93dd15e13e6a
- anndata_inspect was updated to 6f0d0c784f09
- anndata_manipulate was updated to ed4996a16f7f
- modify_loom was updated to e98619de2776
- data_manager_diamond_database_builder was updated to 4a08b7b76b78