
UseGalaxy.eu Use Case: Plant genomics


Shaobin Zhong is using Galaxy at the North Dakota State University, Plant Pathology (USA) for plant genomics and has shared some details with us. Thank you Shaobin!

I want to use this opportunity to thank you and the whole USEGALAXY.EU team for providing, maintaining, and updating the bioinformatics programs in USEGALAXY.EU for research scientists all over the world to use! My lab has been frequently using USEGALAXY.EU for our genome sequencing projects. We are working on sequencing and annotation of genomes with sizes ranging from 30 Mb (like fungal genomes) to 17 Gb (like wheat genomes), and we use a number of bioinformatics tools for gene mapping, genome sequence assembly, gene annotation, genome structure comparison and analysis, and so on. The programs in USEGALAXY.EU are essential for our research group to accomplish the research goal and objectives.

Thank you again for your services and support to our research.