
UseGalaxy.eu as a cross-disciplinary platform for European researchers


Galaxy is nowadays well-known to be a cross-discipline platform that connects researchers all over the world. Many different communities use it and several projects at different levels are supporting the European Galaxy server.

At the German level, de.NBI provides the cloud infrastructure and the newly established NFDI (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur) covers the data aspects. Within the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) funded project DataPLANT, scientists will be able to use a well-annotated data management platform for plant research, a key aspect for future reproducibility and reusability of the resources.

On the clinical side, MIRACUM (Medical Informatics in Research and Medicine) supports molecular tumor boards from several university hospitals across Germany. A recent article bridges both the cloud infrastructure and the clinical research carried out by MIRACUM.

BioDATEN (Bioinformatics DATa ENvironment), funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg, aims at building a Science Data Center to handle increasing amounts of data.

On the European level, the cross-disciplinary nature reaches the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) landscape, being the European Galaxy server listed as a service in the EOSC marketplace.

In EOSC-Life, the European Galaxy server provides cloud infrastructure and support on the software stack required to implement workflows for the Biomedical Sciences. In the two open calls for training, EOSC-Life has granted a workshop on Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator and Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS). Several EOSC-Life communities (chemoinformatics, marine genomics and imaging) have described their use cases with Galaxy workflows. Other EOSC projects have also prominent use cases with Galaxy, like EOSC-Pillar, with reference data and EOSC-Nordic with the Climate Science Workbench.

Thank you to all the different scientific communities for using Galaxy and the funders for the support!